A Quiet Place to Kill by
N.R. Daws
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
July 1940 Scotney, Kent. The ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) unit have been moved to RAF Scotney. But as the female pilots arrive a body is discovered. That of Lavinia Scott of the ATA. Sergeant Dennis Wright receives help from D.I. Jonathan Kemper. As part of rhe ATA is Lizzie Hayes, PHd, in Psychology, specialising in the study of criminal minds. She offers her help. But soon there is another body. Can Kemper and Hayes determine the guilty party, but what of the motive.
An entertaining, but slow paced, historical mystery with its cast of varied and likable characters. A good start to a new series.
An ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
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