
Friday 31 May 2024

All Hallow's EveAll Hallow's Eve by Wendi Sotis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this Pride and Prejudice variation, on Halloween, the ritual of Sanun is performed by the High Priestess of Sanum to allow the dead to connect with the living, but just for one night. But back in the past one evil spirit escaped returning, the Olc, and now seeks the Priestness. It has finally found the right body to inhabit.
In Regency England the High Priestess is Elizabeth Bennet, and she must be protected. But who is her soul mate, who really are the Bennets. Darcy, Bingley and the Fitzwilliam brothers are recruited by Mr Bennet.
An entertaining re-read of this story. Another enjoyable re-read.

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