
Monday 26 August 2024

His Father's Last Gift: A Darcy and Elizabeth Variation (Sweet Possibilities Book 4)His Father's Last Gift: A Darcy and Elizabeth Variation by Leenie Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this Pride and Prejudice variation Elizabeth is attending to an ill Jane at Netherfield Park. During her stay Elizabeth meets and talks with Darcy where he apologizes for his behaviour. Meanwhile Colonel Fitzwilliam arrives with the last letter Darcy Senior wrote to his son. These events, combined with Jane showing her steely character, will this change the timing of future events, especially when Wickham and Mr. Collins arrive in the neighbourhood.
A delightful and well-written story, with its lovely characters. I even liked Darcy in this enjoyable variation.
Another good addition to this series. Another re-read

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