The Colonel by
Beau North
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
A P&P modern variation. It's 2002 and Ben Fitzwilliam walked out of his life in New York and went back to his family home in Annapolis, Maryland. But as he tries to deal with his past and the relating traum he discovers letters written by his father Richard Fitzwilliam, the Colonel. He then decides to write a book about his afther which expands to deal with other members of the Fitzwillaim clan and the Darcys.
As much as I am pleased that there is a book about the Colonel (my favourite male character of P&P) I was wary about the content.
In this modern tale he is suffering the affects of the emotional abuse from his father, and being in love with with Elizabeth Bennet, (a story line I don't care for because I always feel he deserves better irrespective of the tale) and the effects the wars have had him emotional, physically and mentally. He ‘copes’ by being a serial womaniser and drunk.
But will either of the male Fitzwilliams know peace?
This is a well-written and interesting story but did I enjoy all the book. Not sure that I did but I would still recommend it.
A NetGalley Book
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